Sunday, July 10, 2016

English as an International Language

English as an International Language
 We, people in each country have its own language which makes us misunderstand each other. But the English language came across to our lives and made a bridge to every country and made us understood each other.

English language has a lot of significance that can help every human being all over the world. Most people are using this language on a daily life basis. Using the English language we are able to communicate to foreigners. We can also use this language in doing business with the other countries. Not only that, learning to speak in English can land us a good job and makes our lives more progressive and successful. Based on its significance English can make our lives productive, for it can help us acquire more acquaintances and friends that would probably help us in the future when we are in need. Not only that but we can also gain confidence in socializing and talking to foreigners for we know and understand what they’re talking about. We wouldn’t feel insecure to other people speaking in English. English is very beneficial to us it can help us on a daily basis.

In conclusion, English language is very helpful to everyone because of the language boundaries. English serves as a link – language in the world.

Saint Louis College-Cebu

Brief history of Saint Louis College-Cebu

In response to the request of the archbishop of Cebu, the CICM Missionaries came to Mandaue City in 1969 to contribute to the Christian Formation of the youth.
Saint Louis School of Mandaue started operating as a boy’s high school, but later became coeducational when the Bureau of Private Schools granted it official recognition in 1971. From then on, many other structures began to spread out in the 2.5 hectare campus to respond to the needs of a growing school population and the demands of providing quality education. In 1992, the high school building was extended to put in place 12 additional classrooms and the Audio- Visual Room among others. After about a decade, the bigger and more spacious two-storey canteen was built beside the high school building extension.

The long anticipated realization of having an elementary department happened in the school year 2004-2005 with the enrollment of 267 preschoolers. The following school year saw the full operation of the elementary department, upon approval by the Department of Education, with the opening of Grades 1 to 6 with more than 900 pupils.
With a dedicated staff of over a hundred teaching and non-teaching personnel, SLSM which was pioneered by 38 students now serves over 3,000 pupils and students from Mandaue and Cebu Cities and the neighboring towns.
Saint Louis School of Mandaue has indeed come a long way. Our physical growth in infrastructure and increasing population speak of this claim, but our most important testimonies, are our students and our graduates. For two consecutive years, a student from the school had topped the list. Some of our graduates ranked within the top ten places in Licensure Examinations in the country, and many of them are well-known practicing professionals and model servant-leaders of Cebu.

Over the years, Saint Louis School of Mandaue has grown well enough to be a college. It is now known as SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE- CEBU. The College Department started its operation in school year 2011-2012, immediately after the blessing of its building on June 13, 2011. It received from the Commission on Higher Education permits to offer the following courses: Bachelor of Science of Secondary Education, and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. With a strong foundation from both Elementary and Secondary, the school hopes that someday, it may become a Beacon of Wisdom in the region.

With the guidance of the Lord and the inspiration of our Blessed Mother and the school’s patron, Saint Aloysius, SAINT LOUIS COLLEGE- CEBU continues to journey towards excellence through a vibrant, transformative Christian education.



A CICM Catholic institution of learning that is regarded as an effective and trusted provider of transformative education for all, forming individuals who foster respect for human dignity in the performance of social responsibility and who are equipped with moral and spiritual fortitude, a passion for creative academic excellence, and the technological and vocational knowledge and skills needed to become competent, ethical, and productive leaders and members of the local and global communities.


To provide transformative education through quality Catholic academic instruction and relevant technological and vocational skills training coupled with firm yet compassionate school discipline to empower individuals to become morally and spiritually upright, socially responsible, ethical, productive and competent leaders and members of the local and global communities.

Five Core Values

Five Core Values
Catholic Education

(Academic and technological excellence)

(Service to God and humanity)

(Ethical behaviour)

Social Responsibility
(Community responsiveness and commitment)

English Drive

English Drive

English Drive is a policy implemented in our school in order for our students to be fluent in English speaking. The English Drive is one of the highlights of our school policies, even though it is for a good cause, it also have its ups and downs.

  • Speak English anywhere inside the campus
  • Circulate the chip.
  • Report someone
  • Report to the English Drive Monitor
  • Be honest all the time. 

  • Speak Bad words both in vernacular and in English
  • Keep the chip.
  • Throw the chip
  • Trick someone in speaking in dialect
  • Leave the chip in anyone’s bag.

  • Can communicate with foreigners.
  • Can speak English fluently.
  • Can land a good job.
  • Can earn more points.
  • Can gain confidence.

English Drive Campaign

As grade 10 we are the role models, so we held an English Drive Campaign to help our younger generation be aware of what the English Drive can offer us.

During the Campaign we were able to share to the lower years the benefits, do’s and the don’ts of English drive. Through this campaign we were able show them the difference of a student who can speak English fluently and to those who can’t. We encouraged the lower years to speak English because we as grade 10 students know the benefits that the English Drive can offer to us. Even though we have graduated from high school Speaking in fluent English can actually influence our lives. It can help us land a good paying job, socialize with foreigners.

Over-all our English Drive Campaign was a success because we have noticed that the lower years have been speaking in English all over the campus.

Orpheus - Alice Low


Alice Low

The god Zeus and titan Mnemosyne had nine children called the muses. One of the muses Calliope had a mortal son called Orpheus for his father was a mortal. Calliope bestowed upon her son a remarkable talent in music. Every time Orpheus played his lyre, men and beasts alike stop whatever they are doing and just sit and listen to Orpheus. Orpheus then married Eurydice, and not before long their marriage Eurydice stepped on a poisonous snake and died. Orpheus then roamed the earth singing sad melodies hoping to overcome his grief, and when he can’t take it anymore he decided to take Eurydice back from the Underworld. From there on he traveled far and finally reached a dark passage that will lead him to the Underworld. He played his lyre, hoping that the Charon would cross him over, which the Charon did for he was moved by the sadness of Orpheus. Upon reaching the gates he played his lyre again and the ferocious three-headed dog, Cereberus sat and listened to his song. When Orpheus reached the palace he played his lyre with all the grief and sadness he had bottled up. It mad the stern King Hades’ weep, and the ever cold-hearted Queen Persephone’s heart melted. The gods gave Orpheus a condition if he ever want his Eurydice back. That is to never look back at her until they have both reached the surface. But Orpheus was not able to keep the condition, for he looked back to check if Eurydice is still following him when she did not answer to his statement. Orpheus saw Eurydice for the last time before she was swallowed by darkness and was brought back to the Underworld.

-The values in this story is that we should accept the reality even if it’s very painful. Because we can never bring back life from the dead. If ever we promised something we must always keep it because broken promises will haunt you back.

Daedalus and Icarus - Nick Pontikis

Daedalus and Icarus

Nick Pontikis

Daedalus was a brilliant inventor who created the labyrinth which housed the Minotaur in Crete. When King Minos found out that Theseus has escaped the labyrinth alive, he knew that Daedalus had something to with it. So he threw both Daedalus and Icarus into the labyrinth in hopes of not escape. But Daedalus was brilliant enough to think about escaping through the air, for it was the only thing King Minos has no control over. So build 2 pairs of wings held together by wax, he warned his son Icarus not to get to close to the sea for it will make the feathers wet and difficult to fly in them, and not too close to the sun for it will melt the was holding the feathers together. During their long journey Icarus forgot his father’s warning and he went too close to the sun. The wax holding the feathers together melted and he fell to the sea. Daedalus was so depressed he built a temple for Apollo and placed his wings as offering. But King Minos was not finished just yet. He searched far and wide for any sights of Daedalus. With luck he met King Cocalus who at that time held Daedalus at Court. King Minos demanded that he hand over Daedalus to him, but King Cocalus made King Minos stay over for a banquet. When King Minos slept that night, King Cocalus’ daughter murdered him for they were much impressed by the gifts that Daedalus offered them.

-The values in this story is that we should always follow and listen to what our elders tells us. Human creativeness can be really helpful, but if you abuse it you will face its consequences.

The Gorgon’s Head - Anne Terry White

The Gorgon’s Head

Anne Terry White
The King of Argos-Acrisius received a dreadful oracle. It has been said that no son shall be born to him but you shall have a grandson and by his hand you shall die. In fear of the oracle the King locked up his maiden daughter Danae in house of bronze all sunk underground but he forgot to take the gods into account. So when Zeus beheld the beautiful Danae looking up the sky he turned himself in a shower of gold and barged into her room. Not long after Danae bore a son which she hid from the King but the King eventually found out. In fear of the god’s wrath he threw both Danae and her child in a chest into the sea. Dictys found the chest which held both Danae and her child. When Perseus had grown into a fine young man, Danae’s beauty never changed so it wasn’t a shock that King Polydectes, the brother of Dictys fell in love with her. King Polydectes hated Perseus for the attention Danae was giving him so thought of sending the naiive Perseus to behead the gorgon Medusa for he knew it was an impossible task. Perseus as naiive as he can be played right into the cruel King’s plan. Perseus was successful in cutting off Medusa’s head on his way back he saw a beautiful maiden about to be sacrificed to the sea serpent, her name was Andromeda. Perseus used the gorgon’s head to defeat the sea serpent. He then took Andromeda as his wife. Next he killed Phineas the man who tried to steal his wife. After that he went back to King Polydectes to show that he had indeed slain Medusa. But the King taunted Perseus, so Perseus made the King into stone. Not long after Perseus, his mother and wife sailed back to Argos for Danae had missed her father. When they arrived the King was not around and at the same time he heard that there were games being held so he want there and joined. When it was his turn to throw the discus, it swayed and killed an old man in the audiences, it was King Acrisius.

-The values in this story is that we should be brave enough to face the challenges in our life. Goodness will always win and the evil will always be vanquished.

Behind The Blog


Our Teacher

MS. Christine Pepito
>Our teacher in English 10. She taught us all the things that we need to know regarding the English language and our school's English Drive. She motivates us to be a good student as well as good communicator. We learn a lot of things because of her and we are thankful that she guides us all the way.