Sunday, July 10, 2016

Daedalus and Icarus - Nick Pontikis

Daedalus and Icarus

Nick Pontikis

Daedalus was a brilliant inventor who created the labyrinth which housed the Minotaur in Crete. When King Minos found out that Theseus has escaped the labyrinth alive, he knew that Daedalus had something to with it. So he threw both Daedalus and Icarus into the labyrinth in hopes of not escape. But Daedalus was brilliant enough to think about escaping through the air, for it was the only thing King Minos has no control over. So build 2 pairs of wings held together by wax, he warned his son Icarus not to get to close to the sea for it will make the feathers wet and difficult to fly in them, and not too close to the sun for it will melt the was holding the feathers together. During their long journey Icarus forgot his father’s warning and he went too close to the sun. The wax holding the feathers together melted and he fell to the sea. Daedalus was so depressed he built a temple for Apollo and placed his wings as offering. But King Minos was not finished just yet. He searched far and wide for any sights of Daedalus. With luck he met King Cocalus who at that time held Daedalus at Court. King Minos demanded that he hand over Daedalus to him, but King Cocalus made King Minos stay over for a banquet. When King Minos slept that night, King Cocalus’ daughter murdered him for they were much impressed by the gifts that Daedalus offered them.

-The values in this story is that we should always follow and listen to what our elders tells us. Human creativeness can be really helpful, but if you abuse it you will face its consequences.

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